
Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Holy Matrimony (2)

Previous episode...
Ini lanjutan liputan pemberkatan pernikahan kami...

Setelah pemutaran video, kami mengucapkan janji nikah dan diberkati.

Holy Matrimony (1)

Foto2 udah jadi dari vendor foto. Jadi, sekarang saya bisa dan mau share beberapa detail acaranya. :) I hope you feel our joy! ;)

Love Nest-Fully Equipped

Setelah wallpaper selesai, akhirnya tiba saatnya pasang lemari. Ini ya pasangnya mulai tanggal 10 Desember 2012. Padahal saya meridnya 15 Desembernya. Udah panik aja tu love nest gak kelar. -.-a

Gile pas barang2nya dateng, ckck... Gak muat masuk apartemen bo. Sampe ditaro di sepanjang lorong gitu.
Di dalemnya, para tukang mulai memasang2 lemari. Here are the pics...

I Wanna Speak

Lately, I really feel the need of speaking. Speaking about my thoughts, my feelings, my plans, my dreams, my hopes, my desires... And I feel that I can't speak of those things cos I have a new life now. Having been married for almost two months is truly doing a significant change in my life. I must try building my own family.