I'm trying to start blogging again. Hehe I miss blogging, but somehow I can't write long posts now. Stuck. Don't know what to write.
For now, I want to remind myself that I must must must drink mineral water as much as I can. I know my body often suffers dehidration. Blame me that I don't eat fruit. Sooo, you know, sore throat is my "best friend".
However, I know the cure know. Just drink water immediately! Actually, I am proud to say that I can drink 1L water at a time. :D *nyayayayaya* Just refill my 500ml water bottle twice, and drink it. To have a better result, after 15-30minutes, have another 1L water. Aaahh feels so good... Everytime I have this kind of drink, I call it: Mineral Water Therapy.
Too bad that I don't do this everyday. Sometimes I forget to drink, run out of water, or just try to avoid peeing so often. Well well, better I try harder to make sure my body gets enough water.
II hear that drinking enough water helps to regulate our body circulation. At the end it will give you a younger look. ;) It also heals headaches. Helps us to poop easily. So, why not drinking more and more mineral water?
Join me in this therapy and tell me your result!!
Iya nih gue pun musti disiplinin diri minum air 8 gelas sehari, kalau udah sibuk ina itu lupa deh