Another my favourite music!! Lagu-lagu dari Avalon beneran banyak banget yang bagus-baguuuuusssss!!!! Kata-katanya mengena, tepat sasaran, sesuai dengan apa yang saya rasakan dan imani. Udah gitu, musiknya juga digarap dengan serius n high quality gitu loch!! Penyanyinya juga jago2. Napasnya panjang, powerful gitu suaranya, high notesnya juga mantab, artikulasi kata-katanya juga jelas!! Demen banget dah! Tiap hari saya dengerin lagu Avalon kalo lagi berangkat ke sekolah. :) Pokoknya I don't want to miss every sound in every second. Suka bangeeettt!!!! *hahaha uda makin lebay*
Semua kata2 di lagu ini TEPAT banget!! Semuanya bener2 mewakili apa yang saya ingin bilang, seperti ini: -Saya gede di sekolah minggu, denger smua cerita tentang Yesus. Saya gak ngerti kenapa Yesus sayang ma saya, tapi hidup saya gak akan pernah sama lagi ketika Dia menjadi segalanya dalam hidup saya. Dia tuh gak cuman sekedar cerita ato dongeng. Tapi Dia adalah setiap hembusan nafas saya, air hidup yang akan menghilangkan kehausan jiwa saya, dan dasar di mana kaki saya bisa berpijak dengan mantap dalam hidup ini. Saya juga makin menyadari bahwa kehidupan ini sangat rentan. Saya pengen kasi tau orang-orang kalo saya telah menemukan sebuah cinta yang membuat hidup saya berbalik arah. Mereka perlu tau bahwa mereka juga bisa merasakan dan melihatnya. Sekarang, setiap hari saya berdoa untuk memberikan hati saya padaNya. Saya mau hidup untuk Yesus.-
Itu bener2 mewakili hidup saya banget! Gede di sekolah minggu... tau hampir semua cerita tentang Dia... ketemu Yesus yang ngubah hidup saya secara pribadi... kemudian, Dia jadi segala-galanya dalam hidup saya... dan sekarang selalu pengen ceritain tentang what He has done in my life ke orang laen... The song is so true for me.
Penasaran, penasaran?? Langsung aja yuks puter videonya n sing along! Hehe :)
Enjoy this video from youtube, guys! The lyric (taken from google) is below.
Everything to Me
I grew up in Sunday school, I memorized the Golden Rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out, and I can tell you all about the path that led Him up to Calvary
But ask me why He loves me, and I don't know what to say
But I'll never be the same because He changed my life when He became...
Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
He is the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, everything to me
We're living in uncertain times
And more and more I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be
I wanna tell the world I've found, a love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now everyday I'm prayin' (everday praying) just to give my heart away (give my heart away)
I wanna live for Jesus, so that someone else might see that He is...
Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history (the air that I breathe)
He's the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, (oh He's everything to me)
And lookin' back over my life at the end, (I'll go to meet You) I'll go to meet You, sayin You've been..
Everything to me
More than a story
More than words on a page of history
You're everything to me (everything to me)
You're more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
You're the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
You're everything
Lord You're everything to me, Jesus
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
You're everything to me, Jesus, oh
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
The air I breathe, the song I sing, oh
Everything to me, everything to me
You're my life, my love, everything
I grew up in Sunday school, I memorized the Golden Rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out, and I can tell you all about the path that led Him up to Calvary
But ask me why He loves me, and I don't know what to say
But I'll never be the same because He changed my life when He became...
Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
He is the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, everything to me
We're living in uncertain times
And more and more I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be
I wanna tell the world I've found, a love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now everyday I'm prayin' (everday praying) just to give my heart away (give my heart away)
I wanna live for Jesus, so that someone else might see that He is...
Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history (the air that I breathe)
He's the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, (oh He's everything to me)
And lookin' back over my life at the end, (I'll go to meet You) I'll go to meet You, sayin You've been..
Everything to me
More than a story
More than words on a page of history
You're everything to me (everything to me)
You're more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
You're the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
You're everything
Lord You're everything to me, Jesus
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
You're everything to me, Jesus, oh
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
The air I breathe, the song I sing, oh
Everything to me, everything to me
You're my life, my love, everything
Hwaaaaa, keren banged lagunya..kata2nya dalem banged..Tengkyuuu for sharing :)
BalasHapus@Welly: :) semoga bisa jadi berkat.
BalasHapustepgun...bagusss....tq ya ud sharing ^^
BalasHapuswajib dcari nih susa nyarinya di btm huhu
@Leni: heheh liat di youtube aja Len. :) emang bagus2 lagunya.
BalasHapusbaca liriknya aja dah mau nangis C. cuma inetku rada lelet ni.
BalasHapuslagunya bagus tep,, like like bangat dah :))
BalasHapusbaguss..!!! thanks for sharing ya teph! d^^b
BalasHapus@Louisa, Uly, Yohana: :) lagunya emang so true yah! menyentuh hati! :)